Connect Behaviours

Connect Behaviours is a framework to help guide effective care planning for those people whose behaviour can be challenging for others to understand and support. The framework is based on best practice guidance relating to challenging behaviour and positive behaviour support and covers 7 domains:

  1. Physical health
  2. Mental Health
  3. Medication relating to behaviour
  4. Quality of life
  5. Understanding and management of behavioural risk
  6. Functional formulation
  7. Capability of environment

The framework guides the rating of each domain according to how sufficiently the person’s needs have been met such as green is sufficient, amber is partially sufficient and red is insufficient. The domains and ratings for each domain are clearly defined.

The aim of the framework is for those involved in the care planning for a person to review and rate each domain and in turn to determine the next stage of effective and collaborative care planning actions. The goal is to try to work towards green for all domains where possible.

The domains can be reviewed in any order and discussion needs to include:

  • a rating of the domain at the present time
  • detail about the current situation for each domain
  • action planning to improve the domain

The Connect Behaviours webpage is the interactive version of the framework and allows you to:

  • understand the definition of each domain and their respective green, amber and red ratings by hovering over the diagram
  • record the previous care planning ratings (if a person’s care planning has previously been guided by Connect Behaviours)
  • record current care planning ratings
  • diagrammatically compare the difference between time points which can then be sent as a screenshot to embed the image in any corresponding document

Connect Behaviours can be used in supervision, case discussion, complex care planning meeting and with the person themselves (view Connect Behaviours easy read version).

If it is useful then please use the accompanying discussion record template to document the discussion and action planning.

Please note that Connect Behaviours does not store any data. It is just an interactive tool to facilitate planning so any documents that you open from the webpage you will need to open and store locally.

If you hae any queries about how to use Connect Behaviours, email the learning disabilities east admin team and add 'Connect Behaviours query’ as the subject heading.