Transforming wound care
On this page you can find out more about our transforming wound care project for lower limbs. This webpage is relatively new, and we are continuously adding information. If you think there’s something missing, let us know.
About the project
The aim of the transforming wound care project is to implement the National Wound Care Strategy Programme lower limb pathway in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly by 30 September 2024.
We strive to provide the best possible care to all our patients, and lower limb wound care is no exception. With an increase in demand, it’s important for us to be reactive and make necessary changes that will maintain areas that are working well and improve other areas of the service. By making these changes we aim to:
- improve patient outcomes, such as faster healing of wounds
- reduce wound recurrence
- improve patient flow
- reduce the need for hospital admittance and severe outcomes
- ensure we make the most of health and care resources in the most efficient way
- improve workforce efficiencies
The project is currently in its delivery phase and has 3 main delivery elements.
- People, focusing on training and upskilling staff across the system to support patients with wounds. This includes upskilling staff from hospitals, district nursing teams, practice nurses in GP’s, and care homes, to ensure care is provided inline with the National Wound Care Strategy Programme recommendations.
- Processes, focusing on pathway redesign. Introducing a new evidence-based model based on the recommendations of the National Wound Care Strategy Programme, which supports patients and staff from first contact at a GP, to treatment in hospital, and aftercare.
- Performance, focusing on gathering evidence to support new ways of working and exploring digital systems. Identifying gaps and opportunities using the data collected, that will positively contribute to the delivery of care.
The project team
We have a committed team of professionals who are the driving force behind our transforming wound care project.
The work of the project team would not be possible without the support and knowledge of several colleagues and multi-disciplinary teams.
- Health Innovation South West.
- NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board.
- Podiatry services.
- Primary care.
- Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust.
- Tissue Viability Team.
- Vascular services.
Meeting dates
All dates are subject to last minute change.
Project meetings
Project meetings take place on a Tuesday every month and report to the Adult Community Services Delivery Board. These meetings are closed meetings by invitation only.
The main purpose of these meetings is to:
- receive updates on project workstreams and determine if we are on track and budget
- collaboratively make decisions
- identify possible hurdles
- manage risk
- celebrate successes achieved
Meeting dates
- 24 September 2024.
Stakeholder meetings
July and September meeting dates have been replaced with newsletter updates.
Stakeholder meetings take place face-to-face on a quarterly basis and anyone can attend.
The purpose of this meeting is to:
- inform stakeholders of progress on the project
- share feedback from stakeholders, including patient experience
- gather information and collaboratively explore opportunities and barriers to help inform the project
- celebrate successes and how we will address hurdles
- share upcoming training and events
Information for patients
For patients who are currently receiving care from our tissue viability services, the service is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
If you have a new wound, contact your GP for an initial assessment. They will decide if you need to be referred onto the lower limb wound care pathway.
Get involved
Fill in our lower limb wound care patient survey.
- Lower limb wound improvement survey A4 poster (PDF, 76 KB).
- MEDI website.
- Supportive self‐care information booklet.
- Patient lead wound care project role profile (PDF, 118 KB).
- Wound care patient experience feedback (PDF, 160 KB)
Information for health professionals
Our training aim is to ensure all staff who provide lower limb wound care have the competence, knowledge and confidence to deliver care within the National Wound Care Strategy Programme recommendations.
We have a number of training courses, delivered by friendly and professional teams.
To book onto a course, email our Education and Training Team.
- A to Z of tissue viability training courses (PDF, 122 KB)
Registered nurses and health care assistants
Our Tissue Viability team is on a mission to ensure all staff who provide lower limb wound care have the competence, knowledge, and confidence to deliver care.
Practical training for the management of leg ulcers
This training is provided by our Tissue Viability Team.
What you will learn
- Lower limb care and assessment.
- Manual and MESI doppler practical session (bring your own doppler and blood pressure cuff).
- Shared care and using the right language.
- National Wound Care Strategy recommendations.
- Theory of compression and application of compression bandages.
- Compression hosiery and prevention of reoccurrence.
- Skincare and skincare pathway.
- Hosiery, leg ulcer and referral to tissue viability pathways.
Download the July 2018 competencies booklet from the learner resources section once you have booked your place.
Essential pre-work face-to-face training
Log on to E-Leaning for Health and search for 'wound care education for health and care workforce'. Select 'tier 1 essentials' from the list. You must then complete the following pre-requisites:
- Essentials of leg ulceration e-learning
- Essentials of the foot at risk e-learning
You must complete and return a copy of the training workbook for compliance.
Training dates
- 15 to 16 October, The Stithians Centre.
- 11 to 12 December, Carew House, Bodmin.
Refresher training dates
- 17 October, The Stithians Centre.
- 13 December, Carew House, Bodmin.
Healthcare assistant training
- 26 November, Lanner Village Hall
Wound care days
New dates coming soon.