Vision and values

We are a community and mental health NHS provider Trust. We support a population of over 570,000 people. We provide physical and mental health care plus support to people with a learning disability or dementia. A third of these use acute hospital services in Devon.

We provide services across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Demand for our services increases in the holiday season or when we host large events like the World Pilot Gig Championships or the BoardMasters music festival.

We have over 200 clinical teams who work from about 170 buildings including community hospitals.

More information on the Trust is available on this website and also on our reports and publications page.

Useful links

Our vision: Outstanding care for all

Our vision is underpinned by our strategic objectives.

Great care

People will be partners in local, joined-up services. These services will deliver individualised models of care through aligned physical and mental health teams. We will make the best use of our own and our partners’ skills to reduce our reliance on hospital beds. Clinical leaders from different sectors of care will work together to develop and implement a systemwide clinical strategy.

Great organisation

We will create a compassionate culture which inspires the delivery of excellent care through shared learning, innovation, improvement, inclusion, and co-production. This will be supported by a sustainable enabling infrastructure. We will adopt a can do approach and will not allow bureaucracy to get in the way of agile, risk-informed effective decision-making and action across our system.

Great people

Our culture will attract talent and people will love to work for us. We will embed our staff-led cultural improvement programme. The development and delivery of a long-term workforce plan will make the best use of local skills for the benefit of our system.

Great partner

We will work with our system partners so health and care services join up. This will help everyone to be healthier. We will develop an anticipatory care model approach so we can offer services more quickly. We will work collaboratively to improve the experience and outcomes for our patients. Our staff will be part of integrated teams.

Our values: Choice

These objectives are supported by our care values which are:

  • Compassion
  • Happiness
  • Ownership
  • Integrity
  • Connection
  • Equity