Contact the Psychiatric Liaison Service

The service is based at Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, Truro, TR1 3LJ.

Royal Cornwall Hospital patients

Royal Cornwall Hospital patients presenting with acute mental health and self-harm problems can access the service 24 hours a day.

People over 75 years old with cognitive impairment problems

Support is available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, through the Complex Care and Dementia Liaison Team.

Psychiatric Liaison Service

The service provides mental health assessment and care for to people who are patients at Royal Cornwall Hospital.

They will assess and plan care for patients in the emergency department and Royal Cornwall Hospital inpatient wards who have presented with acute mental health and self harm.

If, following assessment the Psychiatric Liaison Service feels they would benefit from more treatment, they will make a referral to the service which will best support them.

Clinical staff at Royal Cornwall Hospital can refer to this service and patients are welcome to request referral to the service via clinical staff.

We also educate and train clinicians at Royal Cornwall Hospital so they are better equipped to look after people who also have a mental illness.

Referrals for staff

To make an urgent referral from the emergency department, call Bodmin Hospital on 01208 251 300 (extension 1300) and ask to speak to the duty psychiatric liaison nurse.

For routine referrals from an inpatient ward, complete an online referral via Maxims.