Complex emotional difficulties team
The team are therapists who provide assessment and treatment for clients age 18 and over diagnosed or suggestive of personality disorder.
The team also offers supervision, consultation and training to individuals and organisations involved in the care and treatment of this client group.
Treatments offered by the service include dialectical behaviour therapy and cognitive analytic therapy).
Referral to the team
Referrals to the service are only taken from other services within the Trust.
If you wish to access the service and are not currently under the care of the Trust you can request an initial appointment with the local community mental health team by calling 0845 207 7711 with the option 1 for the east team, option 2 for the mid team and option 3 for the west team.
- West (Kerrier, Penwith and Isles of Scilly): email the west referral team
- Mid (Restormel and Carrick): email the mid referral team
- East (north Cornwall and Caradon): email the east referral team
Contact Information
The team has a reception point that is manned 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Call 01872 246884.
Post: Complex emotional difficulties team, Truro Health Park, Infirmary Hill, Truro TR1 2JA
Urgent queries can be addressed to the complex emotional difficulties clinical leads using the Bodmin switchboard on 01208 251300.