Core 10 questionnaire

CORE 10 Questionnaire

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

Important. Please read this first before completing the rest of this form. This form has 10 statements about how you have been over the last week. Please read each statement and think how often you felt that way last week. Then tick the box which is closest to this.
Over the last week…
  Not at all Only occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time
*This is a mandatory field. 1. I have felt tense, anxious or nervous
*This is a mandatory field. 2. I have felt I have someone to turn to for support when needed
*This is a mandatory field. 3. I have felt able to cope when things go wrong
*This is a mandatory field. 4. Talking to people has felt too much for me
*This is a mandatory field. 5. I have felt panic or terror
*This is a mandatory field. 6. I made plans to end my life
*This is a mandatory field. 7. I have had difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep
*This is a mandatory field. 8. I have felt despairing or hopeless
*This is a mandatory field. 9. I have felt unhappy
*This is a mandatory field. 10. Unwanted images or memories have been distressing me