Suspected neurodiversity

To access the most personalised and timely support for a child or young person with suspected neurodiversity, someone who knows them well needs to complete the neurodiversity profiling tool with them and their family first.

The profiling tool can help to pinpoint specific areas of impact and identify ways to support them with neurodiverse needs and differences straight away. The actions identified from the profiling need to be completed, and strategies and reasonable adjustments trialled for a sustained period of over 12 weeks.

If you are still struggling with how to support a young person after this, we would invite you to speak to our multi-disciplinary consultation team to access further support. The multi-disciplinary team neurodiversity consultation offer is being developed from April 2024 and will evolve over the next few months. Email the Neurodiversity Consultation Team with a copy of the completed profiling tool, details of what has been tried, what has worked well and what you feel you need further support with.

For more information, call the Neurodevelopmental Assessment Team on 01872 246 945.

Learning Disability Service

Video appointments

We provide video appointments using Attend Anywhere. Join your video appointment

Health services

We offer a range of health services for people with learning disabilities. If you are worried about the health of someone with a learning disability, please contact their GP in the first instance.

Use the drop-down menu on the left for referral and telephone numbers for each area of our learning disabilities team.

Useful information

The team have produced some information that people may find useful or interesting.

Easy read 

The sections below provide some documents with useful website links to resources and helpful organisations for different topics.